Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dzanc: Short Story Month Essay Collection

Dzanc is an incredibly important presence in the literary community and they sponsor a number of wonderful and significant programs and services (which you can read about on their site). If you are able, please consider supporting them and picking up this collection.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

One of These Things Is Not Like the Others: Available for Pre-order from Keyhole

For more information about pre-ordering the collection (which will ship on July 21), please see Keyhole's site:

For more information about the collection:

Thanks, Peter. And thanks to everyone who has been so supportive of me and of these stories. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Stamp Stories @ ML Press

ML Press has a project underway called "Stamp Stories" and I'm excited that my story "This is the First Evening of the Rest of Your Life" will be distributed as a free square with all purchases made from Greying Ghost press.

For more information about the Stamp Story endeavor as well as a list of authors whose work is being freely distributed with other small presses:

For information about Greying Ghost Press:

In the words of ML Press, support writers, support small presses, support literature.